- 작성일
- 2019.03.04
- 수정일
- 2019.03.04
- 작성자
- 이민철
- 조회수
- 886
Advanced Robotics I Syllabus and Lecture Notes Cap. 1 and 2.
Dear all students for joinig the Creative Advanced Robotics Class,
Welcome to this class.
I will teach "Advanced Robotics I"(로봇공학특론) during this semester.
I am attaching the Lecture notes one by one.
First, refer the Chapter 1. and Chater 2 Lecture notes. And see the syllabus 1st semester of 2019.
Please do your best for good result through this class.
Best wishes,
Min Cheol Lee,
School of Mechanical Engineering
Pusan National University
Office Phone: 051-510-1420
homepage: http://mclab.me.pusan.ac.kr